Genetic ancestry and health in the Colombian Pacific
The ChocoGen research project was initiated to facilitate genetic studies of a predominantly Afro-Colombian population. The project has the joint aims of (1) characterizing the genetic ancestry of the population of Chocó, and (2) exploring the relationship between ancestry and genetic determinants of health and disease in the region.

Researchers from the ChocoGen project are using comparative analysis of genome sequences sampled from the population of Chocó to characterize its patterns of genetic ancestry and admixture among ancestral populations from Africa, Europe and the Americas, and to uncover connections between genetic ancestry and population health disparities.

ChocoGen is a collaboration between the Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó (UTCH) and a number of partner institutions in Colombia and the United States: Universidad CES, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and the PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute (PABI).